Oct 8, 2009

Funniest website ever

My new favorite humor website is Conservapedia. Seriously, these guys are hilarious. I'm not sure who is behind it, but they're giving Stephen Colbert a run for his money with their ludicrous portrayal of the "crazy right."

The jokes start right off the bat: they dub themselves "The Trustworthy Encyclopedia." This is a gut-buster for a number of reasons. The first is that the site works exactly like Wikipedia, meaning anyone can edit almost any article as he or she sees fit. I just wrote that Ronald Reagan is "known by many of his followers as 'Jesus II'." Boy, do I love satire! The second is that they present the looniest claims that right wing dolts make as encyclopedic fact. According to Conservapedia, Barack Hussein Obama (haha, they insist on using his middle name, just like the dummies!) is a false name. He's also foreign-born, a mobster, an acceptor of fraudulent cash, a fetus-eater, etc. They even say that he used mind control to be elected! A crackup--Not even Hannity claims that! The whole format is comic genius; it is almost as if people actually believe this stuff!

Hmm? What? No, no...seriously?

OK. I'm being told that this website is not a joke. Conservapedia was, in fact, set up to "combat the liberal bias of Wikipedia." And claims like "Sarah Palin was attacked by the press on a level not since Dan Quayle...but she ultimately handled it much better," are certainly illustrative of an unbalanced, straightforward point of view.

Sick. OK. This website is still a gut-buster, but now it's dark humor. Ultra-dark. We're talking a-magician's-inside-pocket dark. O.J.-on-the-cover-of-TIME dark. We're talking Very Bad Things style funny here. And now I'm conflicted.

See, I want to keep browsing, so that I can find more gems like this image of a woman's ultrasound, which she and Conservapedia believe to be not a baby, as one would expect, but instead an image of Jesus Christ, pleading the mother not to abort. (I'm so glad someone is finally presenting unbiased information!)

On the other hand, every time I click on a new guffaw-inspiring article, I'm boosting their hits. This could cause the psychos behind this stuff to believe that they have more supporters than they actually do, which could lead to more funding for them, more advertising for them, and bragging rights at their wacky gatherings.

The same thing is true for everyone who watches The O'Reilly factor just for yucks. I mean, I understand, the guy is hilariously doltish, but check the highlights on Youtube or something, geez. Otherwise, when you hear that he's got 2.5 million viewers every time he's on, you have to remember that you're part of the problem.

PS: If you need any more proof that Conservapedia is run by the seriously deranged, check this: they're rewriting the Bible. As it turns out, the Good Book has a huge liberal bias, too.


  1. shaun said...
    All them queermo silent monks transcribin the Good Word liberaled up the Bible harder than that slick-haired faggot from the city did to my lil girl. Its a got dang travesty to see the Lord's language (American) bein the cause of ruination for our scriptures. All we can do now is pray that these fine folks at Convserverpedier are gonna bring us back to our Lord's TRUE words and guidance.

    Your brother in Christ,
    Stevi said...
    ha! ruination!

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